Thecoolredroom Hair Space Believes in giving!

A heartfelt Thank You for helping us achieve our goal.
When candles turn into pajamas, then you have to believe in magic.
A grateful way to start the Christmas Season!
As a young Stylist, Donna often went to voluntarily do
haircuts at Interval House (Shelter for Domestic Abuse)
It has been a dream and a goal at Christmas to supply new
pyjamas to the Women and Children,
As this is her favorite gift to receive.
We are teaming up with Metro Beauty Supply to have
Eufora Wellness Candles to purchase
At a special price of $30.
A great Gift to give.
From every purchase…
$10 from Metro will be donated to Carling Family Shelter
$10 from thecoolredroom will be donated to Interval House
(thecoolredroom donations will be used to buy supplies
and new pyjamas for the Children and Women)
With New Pyjamas!