When Hair Meets Art
We are very interested and intrigued with the people who sit in our chair. What is their passion? What do they do? Iris Arnon came in to have her hair styled once again and shared that she had an Art Exhibit that evening. Unable to attend, and curious of the art style Iris would have, I visited her website to have a peek.
I was pleasantly surprised that there was the perfect piece to enhance thecoolredroom Hair Space. Since it has been placed and viewed by many of our Clients, all agree that it is a perfect addition to add to our ambience. When asked “Is that new?”, it is with pride and joy to respond with, “This painting is done by one of our Clients.”
We asked Iris to tell us about herself and her talent, so we could share this with you.
Q: When did you start as an Artist?
I have been drawing and creating since childhood. After studying and working as an engineer, I returned more intensely to my love of art and presently work in ceramics and mixed media paintings.
Q: Who or where do you get your inspiration from?
There have been several people who have influenced me throughout my artistic journey, but what truly inspires me is the creative, provocative art of others. I believe art can change the world and I want to be part of that. Art is a powerful way to express ideas and inspire creativity in others. This is very empowering.
Q: How do you discipline yourself to finishing a piece?
I work with clay as well as oil-based media on mylar. I have a very expressive style and gravitate towards materials that lend themselves to fluidity. I don’t have a detailed plan before I start, but rather engage in a dialog with the work that evolves. Discipline can be difficult for a free-form creative like myself. If I feel stuck or unmotivated, I return to the method “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron- focusing on process over product and allowing myself to be that conduit for the creativity that will flow.
Q: Where do you succeed at getting your collections out to the public?
I have my ceramic pieces at different shops in Ottawa including the gallery at Gladstone Clayworks where I share studio space (9496 Gladstone Avenue). My painting collective (The Clarence Street 5) exhibits approximately every two years.
More information can be found at
Just as we inspire our Clients for their Hair and Life, we too, are inspired daily by many special and unique individuals who enter our Cool Hair Space!